Wednesday, June 29, 2011

{30 day} photo fun - days 28 & 29

{Day 28 - Transportation}

Pretty uninspired.  Sorry :(. This is the front-end of my husband's {very dirty} truck.

{Day 29 - Trees}

This one, however, ended up being very inspiring!  I just walked around outside looking for the best spot to capture a good tree shot and remembered our cherry tree that we have not picked yet.

There is something about fruit and flowers and that just make me want to take artsy fartsy pictures.  Hubs decided to join in on the action!

This photo sesh was spontaneous, people.  I didn't have time to paint my toe nails and didn't think about getting a prettier bowl.

This one is courtesy of the hubs.  Awesome, no?

Maybe I will be inspired to make another sour cherry crumb pie!

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