FYI - All of my book reviews are spoiler free!
Can I just start off by saying that I love this task? I used to pretty much only read certain authors - Nora Roberts, John Grisham, Sidney Sheldon, Patricia Cornwell, Jackie Collins Elizabeth Adler, etc. - the types of authors that pump out books every year or so. Some of them were older authors that had already been through their prime (Sheldon, Collins, etc.) and I had pretty much read everything they wrote by the time I was 21 and then some are still releasing books pretty frequently. But then at some point I realized that there is a whole world of authors out there and I love reading so why wasn't I branching out?? So for a long time now I have been reading all kinds of books by all kinds of authors. If I like an author, I will absolutely read as many of their books as I can get my hands on but I don't just gravitate to certain ones anymore. It is a beautiful thing.
In October I read The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf. I think this is her first book and let me tell you, it was great! It was actually one of the books that they had at the checkout counter at Borders that they try to get you to buy as you are leaving. The guy working at the time told me about it and that it was really good so the next time I had a 40% coupon (get them for Borders at least once a month), I picked it up. It is about a 7 year-old girl who hasn't spoken a word since she was four and goes missing one night. You get to see what is currently happening with the little girl and her family as the author tells the family's history at the same time. What I love about the book is that each chapter is from the perspective of a different character. You get the little girl, the mother, the girl's brother and the detective on the case's perspective. This book definitely falls in the suspense/mystery category but I feel like it is not as shallow as a lot of those books can be. It is not a happy-go-lucky, make you feel great about life kind of book, though, so if you need fairly happy story with a perfect ending, this is not the book for you. Otherwise, I don't think you will be disappointed if you pick this book up. And I will definitely be picking up Gudenkauf's future efforts.
I love reading and have discovered a bunch of new authors lately. It's amazing how many books are really out there!