The Help by Kathryn Stockett is about black maids in Jackson, MS just as the civil rights movement was beginning. It was good but not as good as I expected. It was really, really crazy to get an idea of what it was like to be black at that time and it was completely mind blowing to put myself there. It is just unreal that 50 years ago there were so many people who thought that the color of your skin meant something other than just pigment, and that goes for whites and blacks. And especially mind blowing that white people thought that it was an excuse to treat black people as less than. The reason that it wasn't as good as I expected is because I kept on waiting for something really climactic to happen toward the end and it really didn't. And it was one of those endings where I'm thinking, "Okay, am I missing the last page or something?" because it just kind of ended. I felt like there was more to find out. In my opinion, if there is not going to be a sequel (which maybe there will be, for all I know), you should get a synopsis of what happens with everyone. If it is just tying up certain situations from the book or if it finding out how the rest of everyone's lives turn out, I want to know. Anyway, I just found out that it is being made into a movie this summer, so maybe they will do that in the movie and give me more closure. This was Stockett's first book and her writing was definitely not good enough to make me an automatic reader of her future books.
SO I don't think I can read Hunger Games...I am so proud that you were able to. That premise stresses me out so bad. You are going to have to tell me more...maybe when I get my Nook (which I am gonna do), I can borrow it?