Monday, June 29, 2009

#95 Buy and Wear a Skirt NOT for a Special Occasion

Today I am a new woman. I wore a skirt and I liked it! Yesterday I went to Macy's to pick up a gift for someone else and ended up with with two skirts for myself - I haven't bought or worn a skirt unrelated to a special occasion in probably 10 years. I don't even really know what happened because it is not like I went into the store on a mission to cross #95 off of my list. I just happened to be browsing a clothing rack and thought, "Hmmm...maybe I should try one of these bad boys on...ooh, and that's one of the things on my list!". By the way, this is precisely the reason that I added #68 (no using Macy's card for 3 months) to my list - I get all these great coupons and I get sucked in! I found the gift I was looking for after being in the store for about 5 minutes - don't ask me how I was across the store trying on skirts 45 minutes later... Anyway, I wore one of the skirts to work today and I swear that every person that I saw either said something to me about it or did a double take. My boss even said to me, "Jill, you have legs!". It was like when you get a new haircut and EVERYONE notices. I have always avoided skirts because I feel like I look the biggest when I wear them. I don't really know what changed, though, because I can't say that I think I look really great in them. I guess it was because I really liked how I felt in it - it made me feel extremely feminine to wear a skirt and that is a good feeling. It was fun and I think this might be a new avenue for me to go down with my wardrobe.


  1. That is so funny cause skirts are my favorite!! I always feel the best when I'm in them! Maybe its because in the Georgia heat, they are need, not a want! Can't wait to see ya Saturday :)

  2. I love skirts, they're just so comfortable! You should post a pic of the two you bought!

  3. yay for Skirts!!!
