Monday, June 6, 2011

{30 day} photo fun

I follow Colour Her Hope and she inspired me to join this 30 day photo challenge.  It's perfect for me because I am currently obsessed with my camera.  The challenge specifies that you are supposed to actually take the picture each day (or the day before and post the day of) so I am 6 days behind but I *think* they will forgive me.  You can check out the originator of the challenge at A Feathered Nest.

Day 1: Self Portrait 
{zits and all and, btw, I hate my face in it's natural composition so this is what you get}
Day 2: Your Favorite Shoes 
{Nordstrom Halogen; adore them}
Day 3: Hands 
{I genuinely love my man's manly hands, none of those prissy manicured man hands for me, no thank you}
Day 4: Clouds
 {I am still trying to master my camera, okay?}
Day 5: Breakfast Today 
{I joined the challenge late today or I would have taken a pic of my actual Mickey D's coffee so this is a pic of my kitchen coffee canister}
Day 6: Books 
{my favorite thing in the world; take a good look at this pic because it was completely accidental and was a millisecond from being deleted before I realized how cool it actually was - the two sets of books you see are on three different book shelves and is the result of me being too impatient for a super slow shutter speed}

I plan on keeping up on this daily which is a HUGE challenge for me!  Wish me luck!

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