Tuesday, June 30, 2009

#23 Take a Verse from the Bible and Write a Blog About Once a Month (1/33)

Bible Verse for June: Matthew 22: 36-40

"Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?" Jesus replied, "'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments."

Of course it makes sense that Jesus' greatest commandment is to love your God mightily. But isn't it amazing that right along with it He wants us to love our fellow people as we love ourselves? For me, it is extremely easy to love Jesus but not easy at all to love everyone like I love myself. I mean, I am supposed to love my loud, obnoxious neighbor as I love myself? I am supposed to love that jerk that cut me off in traffic today as I love myself? I am supposed to love Kim Jong Il as I love myself?? Wow. I can't say that I am very good at this commandment. In fact, I kind of suck at it. Sometimes I judge people just from a glance or a word. Sometimes I wish ill will on "bad people". Sometimes I just feel hateful toward someone for no reason whatsoever. Jesus knows that we are flawed and we make many, many mistakes and for that I thank Him repeatedly but, nevertheless, I am going to resolve to work on this and try to give other people the same slack that I give myself. And every time I say a prayer for myself, I am going to try and say a prayer for someone that I have trouble loving. It's a start. Any thoughts?


  1. Our sermon at church this past Sunday was about this verse...apparently God wants me to pay attention to it!!

  2. I also struggle with this. In fact, on my 101 list is a goal to become less judgemental. It's definitely tough, but I just remind myself over and over that I'm not perfect by any means and people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  3. I took a class called Developing The Christian Mind, and this was the verse we quoted at the beginning of every class. This is definitely something people forget, or just don't do. There are so many people that make decisions about their life that others don't agree with, and they judge them like it is their place to judge. Thanks for reminding us all of this!

  4. I just saw your comment about putting the 101 list on the side of your blog. You go into layout and click add a gadget. Then click on the list one and enter your blog list. Then save and drag the list over to the side you want the list on. Hope this helps!

  5. I'm extremely blessed by reading your blog and watching you accomplish it step by step. All I can say about this commandment is, if you spend your lifetime (and that is what it will take I'm afraid) working on this...step by step....like your list...everything else falls into place! And if you don't mind I'm going to work on it too....right beside you :)

  6. So tough this one but there is a reason God put so much emphasis on it and I am glad you picked this one to comment on. I spent a lot of time today being really angry with someone, one of my least favorite people in fact. Perhaps one day, GOD HELP ME, I will figure out how to love them instead. Thanks friend.
